
Definition of Coding - Decoding

Coding is a method of sending a message to the receiver, such that the third person doesn't know about it. Code language is formed by certain rules & patterns. To know this language following certain rules is called Decoding.

Types of Coding - Decoding 

(i) Letter - letter coding 
(ii) letter - number coding
(iii) To code letter/words in puzzle form
(iv) To code some objects in puzzle form
(v) To code as per table form/ column form

Q 1. In a certain code, MARCH is written as OCTEJ, how is RETURN written in that code ?


Ans :- (c)

Solution :- As,   M      +2       ► O
                          A       +2       ► C
                          R      +2       ► T
                          C      +2       ► E
                          H      +2       ► J

                          R      +2       ► T
                          E      +2       ► G
                          T      +2       ► V
                          U      +2       ► W
                          R      +2       ► T
                          N      +2       ► P

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