Definition of E-Commerce According to the International Fiscal Association , "E-commerce means commercial transactions in which an order is placed electronically and goods or services are delivered in tangible or elctronic form."
Benefits of E-Commerce over Traditional Commerce
The following are the benefits of E-Commerce over Traditional Commerce
1. Global Reach/Choice
2. Improved Competitiveness/Quality of service
3. Mass Customisation/Personalised Products and Services
4. Shorten or Eradicate Supply Chains
5. Substantial Savings
6. Novel Business Opportunities/New Products and Services
7. Convenience
8. Paperless society
9. Speed
10. Lower Investment
Definition of E-Tailing
E-Tailing means selling goods in retail on the Internet. It is a short form of electronic retailing. It represents business-to-consumer (B2C) side of e-commerce.,, are e-tailing firms. A new trend in e-tailing is the price comparison site on which buyers can quickly compare prices of different e-tailors.
Definition of E-Advertising
E-advertising or electronic advertising means sending advertising messages to consumers over the Internet. It is also know as online advertising, Internet advertising or Web advertising It involves an advertiser who provides advertisements to be displayed on the website and a publiser who integrates different advertisements on his website.
Advantages of E-Advertising
1. Low Cost
2. Wide Reach
3. Instant Result
4. Monitoring
5. Constant Exposure
6. Geo- Targeting
Disadvantages of E-Advertising
1. Overload
2. Too much Data
3. Too many choices
4. Limited Scope
5. Controversy
6. Risk