Superlatives of the World 2022

The Largest, Biggest, Smallest, Longest, Highest of the World
Continent Smallest - Australia
Largest - Asia
Country Largest (in area)- Russia
Largest (in population)- China
Mountain Range Longest - Andes, South America 
Highest - Himalayas
Mountain Peak Highest - Mount Everest (Nepal )(8848 m)
Desert Largest hot desert - Sahara, Africa
Largest cold desert (outside the poles)- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China)
River  Longest - Nile (6690 Km)
Shortest - Roe (61 m)
Busiest - Rhine (Germany)
Basin Largest - Amazon Basin (South America)
Gorge Largest - Grand Canyon, on the Colorado river, USA
Waterfall Highest - Salto Angel Falls (Venezuela)
Delta Largest - Sundarbans, India
Gulf Longest - Gulf of Mexico
Island Largest - Greenland
Bay Largest - Hudon Bay, Canada
Peninsula Largest - Arabia
Volcano Largest - Mauna Loa (Hawaii Islands ); Highest - ojos del Salado, Andes, Argentina - chile (6885 m)
Sea (Inland) Largest - Philippines sea
Ocean  Deepest and Biggest - The Pacific
Lake Deepest - Baikal (Siberia)
Highest - Titicaca (Bolivia)
Largest (Fresh water)- Lake Superior, USA
Largest (Artificial)- Lake Kariba
World's Rainiest spot Mawsynram - (Meghalaya)
Sea Port Largest - Shanghai (China)
Airport Largest -King Fahd International Airport, Saudi Arabia
Highest - Daocheng Yading Airport, Garzi, Tibet (China)
Airliner Largest - Airbus A 380
Dam Tallest - Jinping - I Dam (China)
Longest - Hirakud Dam (Odisha), India
Largest (Concrete)- Three Gorges Dam (China)
Coral formation Largest - The Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
Canal Busiest - Baltic White Sea Canal
Longest - Beijing - Hangzhou Grand Canal
Animal Most Intelligent - Chimpanzee
Asteroid impact zone Largest - Australia
Dome Longest - World Peace Monument Dome (Pune)
Country with the longest length of Coastline Canada
Plateau Largest - Pamir Plateau (Asia)
Motorable Road Highest - Umling La Road, Ladakh (19300 ft)
Bird Wingless - Kiwi
Largest - Ostrich
Largest (Sea)- Albatross
Fastest - Spine - tailed swift
Smallest - Humming bird
Mammal  Largest - Blue whale
Smallest - Bumblebee Bat
Park Largest - National Park, Greeenland
Railway Longest - Trans- Siberian Railway
Railway Platform Longest - Gorakhpur, India
Largest - Grand Central Terminal, New York (USA)
Tunnel Longest and Largest (Canal) - Le Rove Tunnel (South of France)
Longest (Railway) - Gotthard Base Tunnel (Switzerland)
Bridge Longest - Danyang- kunshan Grand Bridge 
Building Tallest - Burj Khalifa, Dubai (828m)
Minar (Free standing) Tallest - Great Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco
Statue Tallest - Statue of Unity, Gujarat, India
Tower Tallest - Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo (Japan)
Mosque Largest - Masjid at Haram (Mecca)
Temple Largest - Angkor Vat (Combodia)
Church Longest - Basilica of St Peter, Vatican City, Rome (Italy)
Museum Biggest Smithsonian Institution , Washington DC
Place Coldest - Verkhoyansk (Siberia) Temperature 85oC
Hottest - Al- Aziziyah (Libya, Africa) 136oF
Driest - Atacama Desert Chile (South America)
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